Surabaya MRT

The Surabaya MRT project is a significant initiative to enhance public transportation in Surabaya, Indonesia. It plays a crucial role in easing traffic congestion and improving city-wide mobility.

Feasibility Study:

The Surabaya MRT’s feasibility study started in January 2024 and is set to conclude by December 2024. This comprehensive study evaluates various critical aspects, including:

  • Technical Aspects: First, assessing the technical feasibility of the proposed routes, stations, and rolling stock.
  • Economic Viability: Second, analyzing cost-benefit ratios, potential ridership, and economic impact.
  • Route Planning: Then, determining the optimal routes to maximize coverage and accessibility.
  • Environmental Impacts: Next, evaluating the potential environmental consequences and ways to mitigate them.
  • Financial Considerations: Finally, identifying funding sources, budgeting, and financial sustainability of the project.

Construction Progress:

As of July 2024, initial groundwork and planning stages are underway for the Surabaya MRT. This includes land acquisition, detailed route surveys, and preliminary engineering work. Furthermore, regular updates on construction milestones can be obtained from official project sources, ensuring transparency and community engagement. Notably, the project has garnered significant local and international interest, with various stakeholders keenly observing its progress.

Benefits and Objectives:

  • Improved Mobility: The MRT promises faster and more reliable transportation, offering an alternative to congested roadways.
  • Traffic Relief: By encouraging public transit use, the MRT aims to reduce traffic congestion in Surabaya.
  • Environmental Impact: It supports sustainable urban development by lowering carbon emissions and promoting urban densification near transit hubs.

Future Prospects: Upon completion, the Surabaya MRT will integrate seamlessly with existing transit systems, including the tram network and bus services, to provide comprehensive urban mobility solutions.

For more details please visit its website. Explore additional metro lines across Asia

Map and contact information

Surabaya MRT Map
Surabaya MRT Map

Phone Number: +62 31 5312144