Baghdad Metro Project: Plans and Cultural Impact

Currently, Baghdad does not have an operational metro system. However, plans for a metro network have been discussed intermittently over the years. Proposed routes and conceptual maps have surfaced during various planning phases, reflecting potential future developments if the project moves forward. These maps typically outline potential routes connecting key areas of the city, though they may not be finalized or officially adopted.

Contact Information

Ministry of Transport, Iraq

  • Phone: +964 1 717 7400

Baghdad Governorate

Phone: +964 1 241 9015

For more details please visit its website. Explore additional metro lines across the Middle East

Additional Information

History and Background: Baghdad has a rich history, but attempts to establish a modern metro system have faced challenges over the years. Historical context includes previous proposals and studies dating back several decades, showcasing efforts to alleviate traffic congestion and improve urban mobility.

Future Prospects: Recent years have seen renewed interest in developing a metro system as part of broader urban development initiatives. Discussions and feasibility studies continue, indicating ongoing efforts to address transportation needs and enhance city infrastructure.

Alternative Transportation: Currently, Baghdad relies on a mix of transportation options, including buses, taxis, and private vehicles. These modes serve as primary means of commuting for residents and visitors alike, emphasizing the potential benefits of a metro system in reducing traffic congestion and improving air quality.

Cultural Impact: Introducing a metro system could potentially transform Baghdad’s urban landscape, offering efficient transportation solutions while preserving cultural heritage. Economic benefits, such as increased property values and commercial opportunities around metro stations, may accompany cultural revitalization efforts.


While Baghdad awaits the realization of its metro system, ongoing discussions and planning efforts underscore the city’s commitment to enhancing urban mobility and infrastructure. Stay informed about future developments through local authorities and reliable sources, as plans for a Baghdad Metro continue to evolve.

Map and contact information

Baghdad Metro Map
Baghdad Metro Project: Plans and Cultural Impact Map

Phone Number: +964 1 717 7400