Beijing Subway

  • Number of Lines: Beijing Subway currently has 25 lines in operation.
  • Operational Hours: Typically, the subway operates from around 5:00 AM to midnight, but this can vary slightly by line.
  • Passenger Volume: It’s one of the busiest metro systems globally, handling millions of passengers daily.
  • Fares: Fares are distance-based, with prices ranging from 3 RMB to 9 RMB depending on the distance traveled.


  • Here is the Beijing Subway Map

Notable Stations:

  • Tian’anmen East and West: Near Tian’anmen Square, one of Beijing’s most iconic landmarks.
  • Dongzhimen: Major transportation hub connecting to Beijing Capital International Airport.
  • Beijing South Railway Station: Major railway station served by several subway lines.
  • Beijing West Railway Station: Another major railway station in the city.

Expansion and Future Plans:

  • Subway constantly expands, with new lines and extensions planned to accommodate the city’s growing population and urban sprawl.
  • Future expansions often focus on connecting suburban areas and improving interconnectivity between existing lines.

Contact Information:

  • Customer Service: Contact information for customer service or inquiries can typically be found on the official website.

For more details please visit its website. Explore additional metro lines across Asia

Tips for Riders:

  • Peak Hours: Avoid traveling during rush hours (7:00-9:00 AM and 5:00-7:00 PM) to avoid crowds.
  • Payment: Use a Yikatong card (Beijing’s smart card for public transportation) for convenience and discounts.

Map and contact information

Beijing Subway Map
Beijing Subway Map